9 sheets of drywall
3 packages of insulation--some asked why I'm insulating all the walls.. Well for one, they are all soon to be open and two, it'll help with sound.
Picked up mud, screws, tape, knives, 2 new doors, and mulch to finish out the yard near the compost bins.
Needless to say it was a successful trip even if a little over budget. Thankfully I had a 10% off coupon which helped some.

I talked to a coworker this morning and he's going to hook me up with AV cables etc for infrastructure for a future small flat screen in that room.
Movies, music and crafting?!? What could get better??
The wall where all that stuff is going will be the last wall I'll do. I'll get the AV cables stubbed up and run through some PVC pipe.. It pays to work for an AV company!
An electrician is going to come out and add a few more receptacles and make sure everything is A-Okay before walls get closed up.
The more I think about it, the more excited I become! Now if only I could nail down a color scheme!!
This is the proposed layout.. with revisions being made. haha! A designers work is never done!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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