Weekend Project
Wishing it was the weekend already!
Big plans for the weekend...
I'll be tackling this desk: (I hope)
The fabulous Anna White has come up with these plans which I'll tweak as needed for my space. Since my room is only 10'x10', 38"x54" might be on the big side.
I plan to add drawers like the ones from this set of plans
In other news, I was contacted to be on an online talk radio show!
The Down and Dirty with Frank Fontana is an online radio/podcast/talk radio show I've followed for several months. Based out of Chicago, they cover a variety of topics and sure make the hours go by faster at work! They have videos up on YouTube as well. Apparently they too have been following this blog. Crazy! Not sure on an actual air date, but we are doing the phone segment this coming Wednesday. So this weekend is a bit of pedal to the metal to get some stuff together and take some better pictures.
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